Central Electoral Board
16.04.20 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: news, news-last-minute, noticias-actualidad
London, Berlin and Amsterdam reproduce camping like the Sun. The main public areas, chosen by the platform takes the square. Thousands of people again gather in Puerta del Sol. The Central Electoral Board prohibits demonstrations on Saturday and Sunday. The spirit of the camp of Madrid’s Puerta del Sol plays already in a total of 57 national camping and 3 international, according to spokesmen for this citizen movement have been quantified through the Twitter social network and on its page count of concentrations.
Thus, according to their data, there is camping in the Puerta del Sol of Madrid, plaza de Cataluna in Barcelona, the square of the Town Hall of Valencia, walk the Hall of Granada, plaza de la Candelaria, Tenerife, the plaza de la Constitution of Malaga or the Obelisk of the cantons in A Coruna. There are also camping in the Park of San Telmo of Gran Canaria, plaza de Pilar de Zaragoza, the plaza de Obradoiro in Santiago de Compostela, the teatro Arriaga de Bilbao, plaza porticada de Santander, the the Salamanca Government sub-delegation or plaza of Spain in Palma de Mallorca. Expanding citizen movement concentrations reach also the square of the Town Hall of Gijon, the plaza of the Constitution of Huelva, the plaza de Montaneta of Alicante, the Prince of Vigo Street, the plaza porticada de Santander, the plaza de la Encarnacion de Sevilla, La Glorieta in Murcia, la plaza Mayor Burgos or the great captain in Cordoba. The listing continues by the square of the Town Hall of Pamplona, plaza de Zocodover in Toledo, Oviedo Escandalera plaza, the azoguejo square in Segovia (alongside the aqueduct), plaza Mayor of Orense, kiosk Bulevard of San Sebastian, Huelva avenida de Badajoz, the plaza del Mercado in Logrono or la plaza Mayor of Cadiz. According to this citizen movement, there are also camping in the square of the supply of Tarragona, the square of the toothpick in Cadiz, the plaza La milk of Almeria, the Boulevard of Cordoba, plaza Juan XXIII of Cartagena (seated), the plaza of the Constitution Zamora, plaza de Armas of Ferrol, the front of the public library of Menorca, Mariagustina of Castellon, Ricard Vinyes de Lleida square plaza, the lion booties square or plaza of the Constitution of Jaen. International calls the enumeration of camping continues with the plaza Mayor Ciudad Real, the plaza de la Encarnacion de Sevilla, plaza de Altozano in Albacete, the square of the Arenal de Jerez, plaza Dorada fountain in the Centre of Valladolid, the plaza mayor of Guadalajara, plaza Mayor of Palencia, plaza Hispanidad in Cuenca, the plaza Peregrina in Pontevedra, the square of the Meracadal in Reus, the square of the Town Hall of Elche, the plaza of Spain in Merida and Santa Ana in Mataro.
At the international level, there are three camping unposted and recognized by spokesmen for Camp Sunshine. Which is next to the Embassy of Spain in London and Berlin and which remains in Dam Square in Amsterdam. In terms of national and international camping that are already scheduled, include the following Spanish cities: Menorca, Soria, Albacete, Lanzarote, Gerona, Guadalajara, Benidorm, Vitoria, Torrevieja, Huesca, Aviles, Ponferrada, Lugo, Murcia, Ceuta, Tarragona, Teruel, avila and Talavera de la Reina. At the international level, there are also calls for Lisbon, Paris, Goteborg, Stockholm, Birmingham, Brussels, Istanbul, Budapest, Mexico, Hamburg, Sydney, Brussels and Italy, in the latter country with various concentrations in different cities that have motivated the use of the hashtag # #italianrevolution. Source of the news: the spirit of the Puerta del Sol is played in 57 national and 3 international camping
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