The World
29.04.20 / News / Author: Martin
Understood in this way temporality, as an entity ( time-noun, substance, object), it is easy to be convinced that we can leaving, because, in effect, what agency can not "be (presented) in the eyes, if only in the eyes of the imagination. Science itself, in particular physics, which identifies the self with what is "in the eyes", do not talk about the phenomenon of the world (ignorant of its phenomenal character) as a thing, the thing-world stuck within the "space "and" time ", the space-time, that ontic matter which deforms and curve? Ambiguous way of speaking, because of itself "be there" in the world, is to be inherently spatial and temporal. Only that science excludes any notion of his speech involving a priori. And finally, did not Einstein himself who said that time is only what informs clockwise? * This "time", this way of thinking (or words of Heidegger, temporaciar) temporality, it is conceivable that it can halt or reverse, but this time he refers to the factum of being "out there in the world" as such. Just as it is possible to conceive of another "world" (surrounding public, "around" to "one") is also possible to conceive of another "time", another way to spend it, because in fact it is reduced to "pass "to be a sequence of things that happen now" in the eyes ", susceptible, at least as fantasy (imagination Ativan) to be arrested or reversed" on the march, "which peaked who does so" out "of the same . .
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