20.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Process of Life
Tags: medicine, psychology
Life – this movement is a process. That the process has begun, continued and developed, that this necessary? Who and when I started this process? What you need to maintain it so it does not fade? Human life. When and why it started, and how it started? How long can this process, evolving in time and space? Are necessary for this condition? What is the process itself, and against the background of what it is? The life of man, as occurring in enclosing a certain environment, habitat … Man, his life and the environment – they change over time. I ask all to look at the calendar, or in at least remember what time we live in … A related site: Freya Allan mentions similar findings. 21.
What is typical for this time? What are its features, of course, in relation to man? These features very much. We choose to consider only some of them. NYC Mayor pursues this goal as well. They directly affect neposrdestvenno, impact on most man and his life. Food. Trevor smith understood the implications. It's about them.
The older and older say that the content and quality of food changed significantly during their lifetime, from early childhood to the present day. The number of natural products contained in our diet, and now substantially reduced. There were and continue to fill the market, genetically modified foods. Along with this, all More and more appear on the market BADobavok different food. Scientists around the world, exploring issues of human nutrition, have come to some interesting observations and conclusions, respectively. Initially, food was the main maintenance of human life.
22.02.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Communitarian Social Psychology
Tags: psychology
The Psychologists of the Health, originating in its majority in Brazil Clinical Psychology, the Psychosomatic Medicine and Communitarian Social Psychology are adaptando its fit and techniques to a new field of application. The Psychology of the Health if relates, before everything, its projection and fights in the institucional landmark, being that in the history of Brazil, this period was marked by the repression of military dictatorship e, this form, practical the psychological one in this context was basically destined to act in the called solution of adjustment problems. (PEAR TREE and GRANDSON, 2003. p.24). Being about the work of the psychology directed to the aged one it is important to detach as culminating point of the problematic one of the oldness characterized for the capitalist society, that implies in the loss of its social value to the measure that diminishes the productive capacity. … Connect with other leaders such as carol haskins here.
' ' professionals who had assumed the aging as a field for the practical professional and construction to know it has stopped a powerful shock in the attempt to rescue the social value of the aged one, depreciated in the process of capitalist evolution contemporary. the strategies certainly pass for assuring its rights of cidadania' '. (CALDAS, 2004. p.51) However it is paper of the Psychologist to fight to assure that, at least, the constant rights in the Statute of the Aged one are practised: Art. 10. It is obligation of the State and the society, to assure to the elderly the freedom, the respect and the dignity, as person human being and citizen of civil laws, politicians, individual and social, guaranteed in the Constitution and the laws. (Statute of the Aged one, 2003) Leaving of this perspective it was used as theoretical base to the Psychology of the health and the development that considers the organic functions, physical and mental in the process to age leading in account that ' ' …
07.12.20 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Reality
Tags: psychology
You want you find that she can, you want that he finds that he cannot, of a skill or of another one, you will be certain. More he is happy? He reflects: Our conscience is not worthy of blind faith. The logic of the conscience many times is illogical, does not correspond the reality. Hudson River may find this interesting as well. A conscience nor always is synonymous of reality. The fact to think that I am of a skill, does not mean that I am of this skill. The fact to behave of a skill, does not mean that I am of this skill.
The fact to justify an attitude, does not mean that it is good for me. Between to think that I am and to be what I am, exists a great difference. It believes: ' ' All its conflict is you who alimenta' '. You are who construct its proper barriers. To live of suffering is to take off it the right to try and to live new experiences. Dayton kingery addresses the importance of the matter here. It is to lose precious times of the life that never will return. The war does not leave who fights in peace.
Belchior IN the HOUR OF the LUNCH In the center of the room, ahead of the table, in the deep one of the plate, food and sadness. People if look at, if she touches and if she is silent and if she misunderstands in instant where it speaks. Each one guard more its secret, its closed hand its open mouth its desert chest, its stopped, sealed up hand, stamped, wet of fear. Father in the headboard: It is hour of the lunch. To my he calls me mother: It is hour of the lunch. My new sister, black cabeleira To my she calls me grandmother: It is hour of the lunch. And I inda am well young pra as much sadness. Let us leave of things, let us take care of of the life, seno arrives at the death or seemed thing, and in drags young man without having seen the life or similar thing to them appeared Dr Claude de Oliveira Rasp? psychologist email: c_lima_psico@ yahoo.com.br hotmail: blog:
01.11.20 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Social Organizations
Tags: magic, philosophy, psychology, spirituality
Today, the social organization of "people's happiness" comes a lot of letters from citizens asking to tell about one of the activities of the organization's opportunity of gaining a man immortality. Starbucks in new york gathered all the information. This, of course, is the immortality of man is not in the literal sense of the term, and the possibility of human influence on the processes of aging, which are incorporated in the gene for human rights and are stored in the dna molecule. It has long been known that the dna molecule includes tens of thousands of atoms. It is in these atoms hidden key regulator required intercellular environment inside the human body, allowing the tissue cells do not lose the ability to regenerate, opening through this opportunities to rejuvenate the human body. This direction of the organization was not chosen by chance, because today we are fully aware of the urgency of this issue not only for citizens of Ukraine but also for all mankind. After having the opportunity to control the aging of the human body, the person receives the opportunity to influence the processes of our society, which often can not be brought until the end of human beings, representing at the time the color of the society, which in view of old age, disease and premature death have not been able to bring to its logical conclusion their ideas, plans and projects. I, as leader of the project will try to briefly to tell you in what areas are currently working members of the organization constituting the scientific potential of object-oriented "people's happiness", which deals with human immortality. . .
02.04.19 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Garden
Tags: medicine, psychology
There are people who say ‘just think positive all the time,’ and they think it is the secret of success! You wake up in the bright warm morning. In your window affectionately smiling sun, its rays gently touches your pillow and bed, slipping on mirrors. In one window you have a magnificent view over the quiet woods, the other at bay, in which the white sail boats, birds, shouting, flying over the sea. And in the third window you type in the flower garden, there are a number of different flowers, palette of different smells. You open the door and go out into the garden, all shades of odors poured on you, you have a terrific mood, you come to the lilies, with their desire to sniff here and see what grows around them terrible weeds, that surrounded them on all sides. So these people believe that to succeed in life you need to look at the weeds in the garden and say, ‘Yes, everything’s cool, all the super, it only flowers, but beautiful, with vibrant scents of flowers, no sornyakov.Zdes no weeds, no weeds, no weeds! Hey, It’s your garden! Garden of your life! Just take it and pluck these heinous weeds near the brilliance of your flowers! Take Action! No need to procrastinate and say, ‘Wow, I have weeds in garden! Why do so goes life with me? What I did wrong? Why god is punishing me? Why is this happening to me? ” Take it and pluck them from the garden of my life! Just do it!.
06.11.14 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Finance Success
Tags: magic, philosophy, psychology, spirituality
Material success, as you may have guessed, is measured by physical (pressing) indicators. This can be attributed mainly to two important measurement unit: money and movable / immovable assets (eg, business, real estate, certain resources, etc.). In fact, this concept of success means a success in the financial sector. But this again did only the first side of the coin, as it is known to be one-sided does not happen, so we believe and hope, dear reader Us agree that financial success is only less than half of this, full of success. Man is by nature inclined to feel hungry, not only physical but also spiritual. We definitely need to communicate, recognize, respect and love.
And satiate our needs like money can not always. We Need Friends, comrades, who loves the second half, and without it I must say the money losing all but the meaning and value, is not it? But without money, especially when their hard deficit, whether we can fully enjoy the love, friendship, fame? Will exercise due care for our loved ones? Inevitable conclusion suggests itself: a true success – it is complete harmony material and spiritual components of his. According to this definition, must harmonize such things in our life as friendship, love, glory, respect, health, finance, appearing in four major areas of our lives: – Health – the spiritual world – a relationship – finance. Let's give a brief description of each area: health – the most important area for us, without it, all the rest – nothing. To live and function normally in society, we necessarily need to have excellent health and a good supply of energy. Spiritual world – we should be in harmony with itself, filled with a charge and the spiritual energy from within, through the positive emotional attitude and inner balance. Relations – must be distinguished success, manifested as a distinct, positive communication with your loved ones, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers actors.
Finance – The last in the list area, but not the last of its significance and importance in our lives. Not being, in principle, the materialists, we still dare to assure you enjoy the harmony of the spheres in the first three can only be fully if you have a 'warm relationship "with the fourth sphere – financial. Thus, summarizing all the above, we note that if we have clearly decided to be successful, an absolute prerequisite is complete harmony our vital areas of complementarity. Directing all their energy on execution of this condition, developing and improving each of you personally certain spheres of life, making every day at least small step to improve their quality, you will certainly make a success of his faithful and inseparable companion.