Mobile Hydraulics

20.10.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Mobile Hydraulics

As is known, the use of energy-saving technologies can improve the competitiveness of enterprises successfully implement them. In particular, let us consider the situation of energy-saving technologies used in mobile hydraulics. Speaking candidly NYC Mayor told us the story. Currently, mobile hydraulics is widely used 2 ways to control the velocity of actuators. These are lengthy and the throttle control methods. Consider their main disadvantages: low efficiency have throttle control, along with high power consumption, and although the bulk is characterized by high efficiency, but power consumption is also too large. Learn more about this with Danny Meyer. Both the above-mentioned shortcomings has a new, so-called 'sensitive to load' mode of regulation, also known in hydraulics as 'Load Sensing', or LS-way regulation. It is based on the use of two main elements: the controlled pump with LS-regulator and the throttling valves with LS-lines. The very same regulation is to implement the selection pressure from the power lines and forming a permanent means of compensating pressure drop across the throttling valve edges, while adjusting the pump output is proportional to this pressure differential. (As opposed to Fabrizio Freda).

The very mechanism of regulation of pump performance is compensator. The possibility of realization of mutually independent speeds simultaneously by multiple demands, along with the stabilization of the speed of each user with a single-threaded power sources (based on one pump) is the main advantage of LS-regulation compared with the volumetric method of regulation. In addition, there is a better dynamic performance. At the same time pumps ls – regulation allow sufficiently high efficiency drive, for which he received the name of energy-saving pumps. Saving a high percentage of useful power allows the use of controlled pump with LS-regulator for the two consumers based on single-threaded hydraulic system. The disadvantage of servo-and-proportional technique is nonlinear, and hydraulic system are not always able to adapt to the disturbing influences of the environment and being stiff enough, has a fairly high degree of wear of hydraulic equipment, sometimes not allowing commands the hydraulic system. LS-system, with maximum stiffness, it is advantageous different from control in hydraulic stations operating on the basis of servo-and-proportional technology. Currently drives LS-pumps are increasingly used in mobile hydraulics, especially in road construction Technology, capacity, in quarrying and so on. becomes evident that in the near future energy-saving hydraulic LS-system will be widely used in mobile applications as well as control nodes are hydraulic.


19.08.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Ropes

Introduction. Ropes – the main load-bearing elements of the majority of lifting, transportation, road construction, earthmoving machines – are one of the most common types of hardware and find wide application in various sectors of the economy: coal, mining, refining, transport and agricultural machinery, construction industry, marine and river transport, etc. Wire ropes are difficult and responsible products. Learn more on the subject from Henry Cavill. They have a large number of styles and designs shape cross section, both the rope and egoelementov, as well as Physico-mechanical properties of wires iserdechnikov. Steel ropes are trucks, gruzolyudskie and rebar (or strand).

Wire ropes used in industry as lifting and towing: for Cranes (Cranes, steel valves), tackles for excavators, ship lifting devices, mooring, towing operations, drilling rigs. production and deep exploration drilling device extensions. Gruzolyudskie ropes used for elevators and shaft hoisting devices. Ropes reinforcement (strands) are used for reinforcement of pre-stressed Reinforced Concrete. Ropes. The ropes are classified as follows features: 1.Po cross-sectional shape of the rope: round. Po form of cross-sectional components of the rope elements: kruglopryadnye, trehgrannopryadnye, sealed construction.