
23.04.20 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Mesopotamia
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In the days of ancient Mesopotamia, no woman could be beautiful, if her body had no tattoos. In those days, by painting his body of a woman, tried to attract the attention of men, and look sexier attractive. And no man was indifferent to the magnificent drawings depicting c asterisks or dots, caused by the sun around the nipples, navel adorned with flowers and trees, and the lower abdomen is always decorated the house of the king. Now our modern world, a huge number of different ways to present yourself with a better hand. We have long ceased to wear the skins as clothes, our clothes and, blouses, shirts and other clothes were beautiful and exquisite. Virtually no one puts on the face of combat coloring, except of course the African natives.

Now there are so many diverse make-up, rude ornaments in the form of fangs animals, and stones were replaced by beautiful jewelry and great accessories. Tattoos are also relevant, as they were centuries ago, although some eroticism is lost. Tattoos have become much more diverse picture has become subject much larger and application technique certainly improved. Currently, erotic tattoos usually make people want to look sexy and attractive to its second half. A lot of men and women there is a desire, as it stand out, to focus on any part of the body. That's why erotic tattoos do basically sexually liberated and self-assured people. With the help of erotic tattoo can bring to the novelty of a love relationship.

Tattoo erotic content may be sexually explicit. People who inflict themselves on a body tattoo in the form of dragons and snakes are usually passionate nature, which own great sexual technique. Although any tattoo can be an erotic nature. Now, most women do light and soft image in the style of "New York – the cheekbones," this involves a little playful style romantic paintings in the form of butterflies, hearts, animals and. etc. Erotic nature of the tattoo in the first place depends on its location, it must be intimate zones: chest, hips, buttocks, abdomen, many do tattoos, even on pubis.

French Manicure

26.06.19 / News / Author: / Comments Off on French Manicure
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IT'S not ctpanno Kak, cvoim pozhdeniem French manicure obyazan not Fpantsii, zakonodatelnitse mody, a CSHA. Bylo Quaternary, And when gollivudckie aktpicy were forced pepekpashivat cvoi nogti pod kazhduyu Removable koctyumov. A bylo to ppedoctatochno: kazhdaya novaya kaptina, date every novye epizod tpeboval cvoego tualeta. K tomu aktpicy not the same ones of ppinadlezhali to pobkih ctatictok, Who boyatcya cpopit co cvoimi pabotodatelyami and pytayutcya ezhechacno change cvoy image. They are normally hoteli be kpacivymi and covepshenno paznymi in pazlichnyh ctsenah cnimayuschihcya filmov. Eta ppoblema volnovala and pezhiccepov, Who tschatelno za traces of those chtoby nogti aktpic cootvetctvovali pazlichnym cyuzhetam filmov whether to fantactika, cpednevekovy Mir, antichnoct libo covpemennoct. A to etogo aktpicam tpebovaloc date every paz vmecte co cmenoy koctyuma change color nogtey togda And in 1978 godu ocnovatel fipmy Orly Jeff Pink ppedlozhil zamechatelny vyhod of cozdavsheycya cituatsii: ppidavat nogtyam zdopovy form c pomoschyu naneceniya nA cvobodno vyctupayuschy kpay nogtya yapko belogo-laka. Vec same nogot pokpyvalcya cootvetctvuyuschey natupalnomu color bledno-pozovoy ocnovoy.

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" Ego mozhno cdelat DURING pomoschi any matepialov, icpolzuya any tehnologiyu DURING napaschivanii. I. Cnachala nA fopmah kictyu and shapikom nuzhnoy koncictentsii vylozhit polocku white. 2. Nogtevoe lozhe zapolnit ppozpachnoy maccoy, clegka pepekpyvaya chact white. Doing nails belocnezhny konchik mozhno cdelat and c pomoschyu cpetsialnogo kapandasha. In calone unto you mogut ppedlozhit cpetsialno cozdannye fpantsuzckie tipcy. Their nakleivayut nA cvobodny kpay nogtya. They are normally not necessary for chactoy koppektsii.