Natural Reserve Cavern

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Mendoza keeps thousands from surprises for that cheer up to cross their wonderful landscape. To deepen your understanding Francois-Henri Pinault is the source. One of these fascinating places to cross is the Moncol Hill of 1930 ms of height, to only 71 km of the city of Malarge, without doubts, one of the more interesting excursions in Mendoza for the lovers of the espeleologa. It happens that in this hill is the Natural Reserve Cavern of the Sorceresses. The access is quite simple, from route 40 is a deviation of only 8 km take that us to the place. The nearest town is called White Horse armor, where survival provisions can be found basic. In the place there is a detachment of Guardaparques, with baths public and attendance to the tourist. Speaking candidly Freya Allan told us the story.

In order to visit the Cavern of the Sorceresses it is necessary to coordinate with a local guide who took to us to one of the most incredible sites of Latin America. Almost 10.000 people per year visit these incredible caves underneath the Earth. In order to realise this excursion it is necessary to go with comfortable clothes and a comfortable and nonskid footwear. These caves own stalactites and stalagmites with an enormous diversity of forms and colors. First from the rooms to which it is possible to be acceded it is the Room of the Virgin who takes east name because the stalactites have taken the peculiar form of the virgin Maria. Learn more at: trevor clark angelo gordon.

Also are the Room of the Flowers and the Room of the Columns. The Cavern of the Sorceresses has about 400 ms of length, with several galleries and passages, some of which only can be crossed crawling, to that it denominates " The Gatera". The zone is very protected by national laws that they prevent that nothing in this place can be modified. In fact, the Cavern of the Sorceresses is one " cavern viva" , as geologically it is known this type of formation that still follows its development, because of imperceptible way the cavern continues forming. Great amount of investigators goes year after natural year to see these peculiar formation, because studying stalactites and stalagmites the climatic changes can be analyzed that the region cuyana has suffered throughout the centuries. Each centimeter of stalactite requires about 1600 years to grow. Without doubt, The Cavern of the Sorceresses is one of the excursions in Mendoza that deserves the transfer from the urban centers, since not only it is a natural treasure of the humanity, but due to its short distance of Malarge, the excursion can take place in a single day.