
14.09.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Antiquity

Since the Antiquity, the physical activities have had one high degree of importance, since they were on directly the physical and moral formation of its citizens. (Grifi, 1989) the schools of education of physics had as purpose the practical esportiva, but this not only aimed at also an introduction method to the local culture, the education of its practitioners, not only the physicist, but also the intellectual, the psychological one (Oliveira, 1983). Other leaders such as Bill de Blasio offer similar insights. Sport and Education are different areas, but when together they can generate a perfect combination (ries, 1981), since educates the way child that it can face the reality, the world as it is, giving it adaptation option to it, thus is born the programs of physical activity, come back toward children, with purpose to interact with the society (Betti, 1991), bringing values as the collective, union, the search for the pleasure in practising some type of activity, more good concentration capacity, the healthy competitiveness, learning through the movement, among others. (Tani, 2002) the playful sport is characterized by the pleasure in practising the activities, a very strong example is the trick, this ramification of the sport shows to the espontaneidade, the creativity, the improvisation, the freedom of action, control of the activity in itself, without rules (Helal, 1990), only for the diversion, the interaction with the other participants, fitting then to this type of activity the phrase ‘ ‘ the important one is competir’ ‘ thus being able to help in the improvement of pertaining to school performance. Mustafa Suleyman, London UK pursues this goal as well. (Hillman, 2007) the playful sport, that many times rejected and is said of small account by some educators, comes each time more calling the attention. The body, for some would be something worthless, being trained as a machine to exert its junctions of efficient and efficient form, being only the shelter for the mind, this yes, essential and nobleman.. Anya Chalotra may also support this cause.


12.09.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Infancy

However, to deal with this fatality in elapsing of infancy or the adolescence is still more difficult. The illness and consequentemente the necessity of internment during infancy can cause diverse consequences in accordance with Hisses; Tonetto; Gomes (2006, P. 29): ‘ ‘ the hostility of the hospital context can provoke emotional upheavals. Acute and chronic illnesses intervene with the familiar dynamics and the social reply of the child, causing irreversible changes in the passage of desenvolvimento’ ‘ , they are possibilities that can or not to occur. In this direction, the hospital pedagogical work can be cooperating to prevent itself or at least brightening up such consequncias and upheavals, becoming the hospital a less hostile environment to the child. In accordance with Oliveira (1993, P.

328): ‘ ‘ the hospital is, for the child, a place of prohibitions: if it cannot walk for corridors, to play ball, to take air cool, to speak high, to talk with other children, to play … ‘ ‘ , beyond being associated to pain, suffering, distance of the family, injections and medications. In accordance with Bowlby (1995, P. 24), as much the child as the adolescent when being hospitalized passes for three phases: the first one is of protest and the revolt with the invasive and painful internment and procedures; the second phase is characterized by a period of indifference and apathy of them stops with the hospital; the third A stage the child and the adolescent finish creating bonds partner-affective with the nurses, assistants, with other patients and thus she goes to the few accepting the cares and its situation of internment medical. When the patient is knowing of the disgnostic one passes for some phases, according to Ross.


19.08.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Childhood

These are the more frequent fears and fears at the different moments from the childhood: Of the 0 to the 6 months: Loss of support, noises Of the 7 to the 12 months: Strangers, height, sudden appearance of threatening objects To the year: Separation of the parents, injuries, toilet, strangers To the 2 years: Strong, animal noises, dark quarters, great separation of the parents, objects or machines, changes in the personal atmosphere. To the 3 years: Masks, the dark, animal, separation of the parents. Of the 4 to the 5 years: Noises nocturnes, the dark, corporal damage, bad people Of the 6 to the 8 years: Supernatural beings (sorceresses, ghosts), personal lightning and thunders, solitude, injuries. Of the 9 to the 12 years: Scholastic tests and examinations, scholastic yield, physical appearance, corporal injuries, death, the dark. The fears are very common between the 2 and the 4 years of age and many of them appear like fear to the animal, especially to the dogs.

Around the 6 years of age, it is common that the children fear to the dark, storms or the doctors. Many of these fears disappear as the boy grows and loses his sense of impotence. The reasons by which they feel so many fears in this period of his life, can be in the intense fantasy characterizes that it, and in the incapacity of the children to distinguish simulated of the reality. The children majors feel other fears. Between the 8 and 12 years of age, when they understand the relation cause-effect, it is probable that they fear plus the corporal injuries and the physical dangers, whereas between the 4 and 6 years they can feel fear of ugly the not known people or . The frightful images of a television program or the violent films can contribute to maintain the anxieties. Some times, the imagination of the children makes feel attacked by an animal or left, nevertheless, some of these fears come from the evaluation of real dangers (like being bitten by a dog) or real events (when a boy has been witness or been has involved in a traffic accident, is possible that it generates fear to the cars or to cross the street).

To this age the children are accumulated major knowledge and experience, and know that many things exist to as they must fear. It is not absolutely clear, because some fears disappear and others persist. Apparently the reactions of the adults play an important role in those situations. The parents must accept that the fears are normal, to give confidence to the children and to animate them so that they express his fears without ridiculing them or punishing them. He does not have to allow itself that the children avoid the object of their fears, because this conduct does not allow that the fear disappears. Some children can transform their fears into aggressions, nevertheless these can arise of another way in the first childhood.

Working Syllabus

19.08.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Working Syllabus

The work program is one of the most important documents of the teacher, he is alone for the whole year. This document regulates the activities in accordance with educational standards and general education programs. The work program drawn up in English as an English teacher in advance before the start of the school year. As a general rule, any work program has a number of mandatory items. Contact information is here: jim. One of the the most important points of the document is an explanatory note. It is recommended to write their own, but can be taken from already prepared an educational program and little to alter. In an explanatory note describes the essence of programs, as well as the possibility of its application to a particular class.

Also allocated a separate item on literature, with which or on which plan to work in a school year. A brief work plan can be presented in tabular form, in which all subjects painted with a time of their passage. Freya Allan gathered all the information. All threads must be taken from general education program, but the list also can be supplemented at the discretion of the teacher. At the end of the work program are criteria for assessing students in different types of monitoring (writing, reading, listening, etc.). Must be present measurement and control of the material. It can be as simple typed control of the whole year, and dictations, tests, collections of records. In preparing the work program required to specify required pursuant to any official documents, this work program can be used in practice. This document should be drawn up for each teacher for each of its subject matter for each class individually. In some cases, the work program is prepared for the pair of classes (eg, 10-11). Today, thanks to the Internet you workers can download the software freely, thus saving their time to their preparation. Of course, any program should be altered to fit your requirements, and only then be used.

Anniversary Lectures

27.01.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Anniversary Lectures

Festas of Anniversary of the Cities: It would enclose significant parcel of the population, as it has left of the festejos would have an exposition in a public place (School, University, Headquarters of the City hall etc;) demonstrating significant aspects of archaeology and the regional culture, Religious Parties: It would understand activity educational with practical expositions, lectures and workshops demonstrating daily and the religious and popular beliefs. Source: dayton street. scientific Feiras and Congresses: Directed activities the University students in basic and average level (scientific Fairs) and pupils (university Units), academic Community: Lectures for the pupils of the schools and the faculty of the city will be carried through in order to create diffusing agents of knowledge, who assist in the fiscalization and preservation of the Archaeological and Cultural Patrimony. Community directly associated to the enterprise: Workers, executives, technician, etc. will be carried through lectures, also aiming at to the formation of diffusing agents. Such lectures will go to stand out the especificidades of the enterprise front to the Archaeological Patrimony. In view of that still the enterprise will be initiated. In general way: to stimulate the auto-support by means of the creation of artisan products associates to the goods archaeological places. development of pedagogical medias as reviewed in quadrinhos, videos, banners and folders.

development of archaeological workshops and kits to be used in the processes of formal education. exposition of photos on the local memory, including photos produced for inhabitants and that they portray the culture, the ambincia and the local memory. The resources of multimedias will be used in the ample spreading of the activities leading in account the especificidade of each festividade and the type of involved public in the educational activities. They will be created blogs in the Internet not only for the spreading of the events, as well as for the quarrel of the subjects considered during the educational activities.

Environmental Protection

29.04.20 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Environmental Protection
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As the representative of the environmental activist 'Wildlife Conservation Society' Herilala Randriamahazu, these are unique to coastal waters Madagascar creatures were first spotted about a month ago. Then they jumped on the shore of no obvious reasons so far. The tragedy occurred at the port Antsuhihi on the northwest coast of the island. Elucidation of the possible causes involved in the incident arrived on Madagascar a group of American zoologists. Products in France will provide labels indicating damage to the ecology of the north of France carried out an experiment in which all the products in E. Leclerc stores are labeled with an indication of how much greenhouse gases released during its life cycle – from the moment raw materials extraction to recycling. This experiment, which is held the Agency for Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Energy (ADEME), is a transitional phase, from January 1, 2011 labels indicating the environmental harm will be mandatory. For example, a kilo of honey glass pot 'worth' 1.2 kilograms of carbon dioxide, and in a plastic pot – is 0.83 pounds.

A kilo of apples imported from China, costs of 0.92 kilograms of carbon dioxide, while the kilogram of French apples 'Golden Delicious' 'highlights' of 0.24 kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions. At the entrance to the supermarket is located booth to inform buyers about this experiment. Customers are offered a brochure, "I save my planet ', by which they can compare the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced as a result of its purchase, with the number 'allocated' average consumer basket or shopping, committed a similar composition of the family. .

Counsel Attorney

21.04.20 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Counsel Attorney
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It make clear what motivates your customers to use your service or product. 4 Solve to who: Yes, is the time to talk about your market. When you say who solve the problem, you are defining your market. I.e. are you saying to your interlocutor with what types of clients you work or want to work. In this way, you can identify as a future customer or not.

Better still, you can identify others as future customers yours or not and thus begin a string of positive references to your business. 5. How solve it: now is the turn of comment briefly on how you do things. The way in which you work and solve the problems of your competition will help to differentiate you from others, to demonstrate why you are unique and why your solution is more attractive than your competition. Following these recommendations, you will be able to write your Elevator Pitch so that everyone understands what is what you do and how you can help them. From there, there will be no more babbling, you only have to internalize this presentation in a natural way and use it whenever you have a chance. Let’s take a look at the submission of Counsel Attorney with which began this blog. When the raisins for the mixer of the Elevator Pitch could be something like this: Protax (name) is a tax consultancy (is) that helps small companies (SME – who solves it) to forget all their tax obligations (problem solved).

We use a system of alarms via e-mail where we remember our customers which date do not have to meet and which documentation have to prepare (how does it). As you can see, things you can say in many ways, but not all transmit the same. Be careful what you say because your results depend on it. Now it is the time to review your presentation, or if you have not worked yet, put hands to work and write something that causes the impact you want. Mood!

The Internet

26.01.20 / News / Author: / Comments Off on The Internet

Use of technology in teaching English. The world is not static, as well as scientific – technical progress. And in the 21st century opens the possibility of learning English with the help of technology. Train English language – it means to teach communication, transmission and perception of information. Internet The Internet can bring language teaching to a new level. This communication, information and publication. Communication by using e-mail (WORLD WIDE WEB).

Thanks to the Internet information becomes available, relevant and authentic. There are supporters of the idea of language learning only through the Internet. But most teachers prefer to use the Internet along with traditional teaching tools. Internet – a source of supplementary materials for teachers in preparation for the occupation. Using the Internet in the classroom does not make sense at the initial stage of learning the language.

In courses for beginners exercises to consolidate the grammar and vocabulary is quite traditional (it is the most common exercises, the difference lies in the fact that students do not see them on paper and on monitor). Only positive point is that in many cases, you can immediately find out whether satisfied or that exercise. However, the question "why is it wrong and how to correct?" Must meet the teacher. There is such a phenomenon in the methodology of teaching English through the Internet as the Internet – the project. While working on the project (using the resources of the Internet), students apply and extend their language knowledge, receive extensive country information.

Pros And Cons Cookbook

26.01.20 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Pros And Cons Cookbook

Currently, many children, as well as parents, can not imagine my life without Cookbook. In this article I would like to analyze all the pros and cons Cookbook. Let's start with the cons: 1.Reshebniki dried brains as well as children use them as a rule, not to test the already executed tasks, and immediately write off the finished job, and they have in mind is absolutely not what is left. 2.Reshebniki develop laziness, as children and parents who check on them homework for their children. Now pros 1.Reshebniki help parents to check homework for their children. 2.Reshebniki simplify the lives of students. You must agree, modern students very busy and if they are learn all the lessons every day, they have to live without books does not have time.

3.If using Cookbook after homework, you can avoid mistakes, and thus obtain a better estimate of the school. ncing-to-support-growth-and-continued-innovation-300470991.html’>financial technology for a more varied view. On Currently, there are many varieties Cookbook they can be presented in book form, may be in electronic format for viewing on your computer. And with a special wish, you can even download the Cookbook to your phone. GDZ for phone is very convenient. Since we can write off the problem and exercises right in the classroom.

Although I still want to say that the Cookbook should be used correctly. And only if they are not only not hurt you, but also help you in your studies. Only unfortunate that many children do not understand this. Of course, it's easier to buy or download the Cookbook Cookbook on the phone and have no problems with their homework. But as I wrote above knowledge and skills, it also is not, after all, perhaps, a modern hard for children to learns to be honest with such an abundance of all the cribs and various Cookbook. Cribs have always been, but now with the development of modern technology you can download cheat sheets on the phone and learns easily. But do not forget that before Cribs written by hand, and operates a mechanical memory, that is in my head that it was. A Cookbook previously did not exist as such. So learning is becoming easier and easier, but the children are getting lazier and lazier.

Marx System

22.07.18 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Marx System

In some texts the socialism is associated with the abolition of the separation between cities and field, and in such a way with the suppression of the urban industrial pollution. (they idem) Heel-of-aquiles of the reasoning of Marx and Engels it was, in some texts ‘ ‘ cannicos’ ‘ , acrtica conception of the forces of productive that is, of the device productive technician/capitalists/modern industrial as, if they were ‘ ‘ neutras’ ‘ as it was itself enough to the revolutionaries to socialize them, to substitute its private appropriation for a collective appropriation, making them to function in benefits of the workers and developing them in limitless way they must radically transform it What she not only implies the substitution of the destructive forms of energy for power plants you renewed and not-pollutants, but also a deep transformation of the inherited productive system of the capitalism, as well as of the system of transports and the system of urban habitation. (p.39-40) In this perspective, the socialist project not only aims at a new society and a new way of production, but also a new paradigm of civilization. See NY Museums for more details and insights. (p.40) 2- What it is ecossocialismo? 1- The marxists and the ecology the text is initiated bringing some consequences of the lived deeply ambient degradation throughout the times, thus the author points as possible reaction to these questions, the union between socialism and the ecology, identifying and demonstrating some points in common of the two trends. The ecological question is, in my opinion, the great challenge for a marxist renewal at the beginning of century XXI. Such question demands of the marxists deep a critical revision of its traditional conception of ‘ ‘ forces produtivas’ ‘ , as well as a radical rupture with the ideology of the linear progress and with the technological and economic paradigm of the modern industrial civilization..