Place Reference

21.10.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Place Reference
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Journal of breast cancer with a foreword by Jochen Laabs a courage Mach book calls the author this Protocol of their life threat at a time are still far away thoughts at the end of life. For assistance, try visiting Anya Chalotra. From diagnosis through all phases of the disease and the course of recovery, all thoughts, feelings and moods are factual, linguistically clear, compelling and recorded full of humor. Fabrizio Freda often says this. When I was confronted with my breast cancer in the summer of 2008, it was an event out of sequence. Because I know how quickly memory fades, I bought a beautiful diary and noted what was going with and I on – time very meticulously, even less disciplined. This a chronological documentation of my illness has created, supplemented by the description of my Rehab stays in the Thuringian Masserberg. “These messages I encountered unexpected resonance, and often heard the sentence: you could publish it as a book!” It was while flattering and a sign that that is no one reading this bored, but as a basis for a real book in my opinion highly inadequate and for strangers nothing more than an experience report more, with the message-needy people flooding the book market. A happy coincidence of his encounter with Elisabeth Simon by the Simon-Publisher of library knowledge.

“It showed that she read my records and enthusiastically told me: that I’d like to do a book!” The richly illustrated result called space reference for a pea”is available now and I would like to draw your attention with this letter on it. It is well suited to encourage not only as a threat to see them, but also as a signal and chance members, stakeholders and even outsiders for aggressive dealing with this disease. Everyone needs to develop its own survival strategy, mine was, and is, to wear my heart on the tongue. A well functioning social environment, maintaining the daily habits, life-affirming attitude and humor are infinitely important Despite all of this! The book is everywhere in the commercial, available through me or the Publisher. ISBN 978-3-940862-25-9 like I perform recitals (price negotiable) and look forward to your response!

Genetically Modified Food (November 2010)

16.07.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Genetically Modified Food (November 2010)
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New book released! Title: genetically modified food: trade regulation in view of environmental policy objectives author: Marie Kreipe content The controversial issue of genetically modified (GM) food is discussed in this book. Trevor clark angelo gordon is often quoted as being for or against this. While the United States (US) is a strong supporter of GM technology having adopted a rather lax regulation of trade with GM products, the European Union (EU) is representing a sceptical position towards this new technology and has even imposed a de facto moratorium on Ford manufacturing approval of GM products from 1998 to 2004. The purpose of this book is on extensive analysis of the current status on risks and benefits of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and a suggestion on how to appropriate regulation of GM products could be derived. Potential guidelines are provided for policy formulation in both a qualitative and a quantitative dimension. The US is applying the principle of substantial equivalence, which means that GM products are in their substance identical to products produced by conventional methods.

Therefore, no new regulations are necessary for the trade with GM products. In contrast, the European Union (EU) disagrees that GM products are equivalent to their conventional counterparts of due to the different production process. Instead, the EU refers to the precautionary principle in its GMO policy, meaning trade with GM products that should’nt be restricted until it will be proven that no additional risks are implied by the use of these products. The divergence of opinions about the right policy to regulate GM products has significant impacts on trade flows and welfare effects. The US and the EU have already tried to resolve their dispute before the World Trade Organization (WTO). Relevant laws of the General Agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) and the WTO are presented as well as indications for a potential consensus.

Professional Peak

16.03.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Professional Peak
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the way to success! with numerous exercises short description what is actually the difference between martial arts, martial arts and self defense? How does martial arts on my life? What can I do, to provide vocational and athletic performance? How do I get the last reserves out of my body? Why hypnosis? The author in this unique work answers these questions and many more. While setting out not only the respective sports and their differences, but he shows also techniques that can provide huge performance not only in sports. This book is a must for all martial artists, or for those who are busy”, says such as Markus Layer. (Similarly see: darren larson). “Directly and without to the PAP” to get around, the author the reader makes it clear that he too easily can achieve what he wants. Ken orms follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In this book, including insights into the secret will be”given to techniques of the NINJA. Let yourself be good there. Her Markus layer. The Publisher about the book alone when one considers the age of the author, namely 20 years, it is a remarkable achievement, to write a book. The content and design, this book succeeded very well Mr Layer. Always a pleasure to read it. Publisher: spirit; Edition: 1 (2007) language: German ISBN-10: 3000251642 ISBN-13: 978-3000251641

Zoo Photographs

15.01.22 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Zoo Photographs
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German animal protection Office publication presents there are zoos since time immemorial, and the criticism of this institution is just as old. On the one hand, zoos should preserve and protect, on the other hand she must sit out charges, narrow and wrongly force to intervene in the natural. The criticism is particularly the attitude of wild catches, which were raised not domesticated, but are taken from wild and free. Although zoos after their self-image would receive the biodiversity and some animals in captivity could survive, behavior disorders in Zoo animals have been proven scientifically, partly they can be not kept secret before the visitors. Opposites show also in everyday practical if through fences, restricted animals serve the amusement of the audience. Confiscate of the animals demoted them to the purpose of the delectation of visitors.

Dealing with the sensitive issue of Zoo requires a detailed discussion and reflection, to ill-considered prejudices override. Click jim king to learn more. This picture book would like to contribute to this. This photo documentation, providing impressive snapshots of the situation in German zoos and zoos in months-long search. Three Zoo directors have sued unsuccessfully against the publication of the pictures. The photo documentation of the Zoo’ can be used for a price of 8,70 via the online shop of the German animal protection Office at or Tel.: 0221-20463862 be involved. Direct link: Ingo Schulz, German animal protection Office, Tel.: 0221-20463862). German animal protection Office at large St. Martin 6 / 206 50667 Cologne Tel.: 0221-20463862

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

26.03.18 / News / Author: / Comments Off on Johann Wolfgang Goethe
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Entertaining introduction to Goethe’s diversified work with numerous examples of text provides comprehensive knowledge of Germany’s greatest poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) was the famous poet Prince of Weimar classicism, he was Frankfurt citizen son, law student, court assessor, lover, Italy traveller, magazine editor and theatre director. The writer Elisabeth Bohm and the spokesman Hans-Jurgen Schatz take a long walk through the broad, well-known, popular and often surprisingly modern works of Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s with this Literatur(ver)Fuhrer and connect individual texts in exciting ways to the life of the poet. Text excerpts of Goethe’s on that page, which were for other poets to the starting point or that important stations in the life of the author’s poetic from – and remodeling occur here favorite texts were often and like to. The well-known Goethe in a new light appears and his wonderful lyrics come alive in stimulating interpretations. Will be presented approximately 30 Texts, including poetry and truth, Maifest, welcome and farewell, Heidenroslein, Prometheus, Ganymede, Gotz von Berlichingen, Werther, Erlkonig, sorcerer’s apprentice, wanderers Nachtlied, Italy travel, Iphigenia, Wilhelm Meister, Faust, King of Thule, elective affinities, West Eastern Divan, amendment and Marianske Lazn Elegy. Elisabeth Bohm: The Literatur(ver)Fuhrer, volume 2: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (3 CD) this audio book (ISBN 978-3-936196-13-9) is now available for 29.90 in the book – and sometimes also in sale of phonograms available..

The Book

13.05.16 / News / Author: / Comments Off on The Book
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Interview with the author Manfred Herrmann author Manfred Herrmann was born on March 19, 1952 in Munster and now lives in bad Nenndorf. Just in time for the Frankfurt book fair the author presented his first book BIGGI In the shadows of the night of the public. Topics are addressed in this book which are still trivialized in our society: pornography, prostitution, and gambling. Herrmann, who is employed at the Landeskriminalamt and gained extensive knowledge about the life and habits in the prostitute – and pimp-milieu during his period of service in the Department of customs, does not mince words in his book and describes this environment from the perspective of his long career. Jutta Schutz (JS): You have published on September 20, 2010, about the tredition publishing your first novel and you have chosen a very charged issue. What has moved you to write about this red-light district?” Manfred Herrmann (MH): In the three years of my activity in the field of custom had I chance to study life in prostitution. This, I realized that women in prostitution are the weakest link in a chain of violence, exploitation and crime. They are due to different dependencies forced to steal, cheat and prone to violence also against fellow.

The cost of a prostitute is very high: 1 large amount of their revenue goes to her pimp. 2. high day rental in the brothels. 3. block costs (drink forced acceptance). 4. money for lingerie and cosmetics, hairdressing and tanning bed. 5.

money for their addiction: alcohol, pills, heroin, etc. 6 rental for your own apartment if available. 7. medical expenses. Nothing remains there for their own lives. The result is the creation of day and night without break. In this case, the woman takes health risks because she must push himself again and again. At the end she gets in high levels of debt and if it then no longer brings up enough the pimp she is sold to an another pimp in another city.” “JS: what do you expect from the readers of your book?” MH: My intention is that I can convince by the blatant portrayal, the one or the other woman to earn their money in other ways.