Second Ferrari

29.09.21 / News / Author:

Development the Agricultural Defensives the man comes learning since daily pay-history, to practise agriculture deuma more productive way with the purpose to assure its sustenance. Noentanto it coexists the problem of the plagues that destroy the stored plants, ascolheitas and foods, in great amounts generally. Ocombate to the plagues is old. The Chinese have about 1.000 years behind, Arsenio composites jutilizavam, as sulfeto of Arsenio. With objective to protect its harvest, the man developed agroqumicostambm called pesticides, agricultural praguicidas or defensives, chemical etc. Estesprodutos, or mixes of these, is destined to the use, storage and beneficiamentode agricultural products, in the pastures, the protection of the urban, hdricos and industrial forests and outrosecossistemas, in order to preserve them of the aodanosa of beings considered livings creature harmful, also used as substnciase desfolhantes, desiccant products, fertilizing estimuladores, inhibitors of crescimentoe for the plants. Its indiscriminate application causes innumerable problems, as much for health of the applicators and the consumers, as for the Environment, contaminating the ground, the water, leading to the death plants and animals.

Brazilian agriculture each time more has made use dessesinsumos chemical, mainly of agrotxicos, and this causes an ecological series deproblemas. Second Ferrari (1985, p.110) ' ' agriculture ties 50 years atividadesda was directed for generation of products (coffee and cotton, mainly) for autoconsumo of the resident population in the agricultural way ealguns few nuclei urbanos' '. but with the increase of the population urbanahouve the necessity to increase the agricultural production to supply the centrosurbanos, using agrotxicos to fight the plagues same without knowing quaisas consequences that could be generated by these products. In accordance with Ferrari (1985, p.111) the contamination dealimentos, pollution of rivers, ground erosion and desertificao, poisoning emorte of agriculturists and extinguishing of animal species, are some of maisgraves consequences of industrial chemical agriculture and the agrotxicos use indiscriminadode wide stimulated in last the 25 years. Hear from experts in the field like Gerald Stratford big veg for a more varied view.

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