Royal Academy
21.08.18 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: Ă‘embotavy
Nembotavy means “dumb or stupid, not to be.” The dictionary of the Royal Academy of Spanish Language dumb says: “Apparently a person who does not notice, or notice one thing that you should not notice.” In our area, every day, is said about someone who “does nembotavy.” Others, in an idiom latest prefer to say “becomes the nembota” and the younger ones, say “Nembo is made.”
It is common even “recommend” someone, in Guarani, “suck ejapohata Eregua’u has UPEI enembotavy chugui” (say, let him believe, that you will do what you ask and then Relieve him or her) and it goes without saying, that actually the question is exactly that. Probably more of a reader may “rightly” harshly criticize or question this attitude-law and may not agree with it by considering it immoral, harmful and retard, but outside or may not agree with that attitude-law, we all know that it abounds in length and width of Paraguay, both in the most poor and ignorant as in the more educated or the government or any form of power. Anyway, under whatever form, being nembotavy in Paraguay is an institution. Anyone who claims not to know or try to deny the validity of the Law nembotavy lying..
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