Other Subdivision
29.07.22 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: culture, References
Section "Frequently Asked Questions' (FAQ) consists of 3 sections: About the book About me Other Subdivision" About Books "Will Arthur Weasley new Minister of Magic? – Alas, no. Why are some people in the world of magicians (like Harry Potter) called half-breed, although both parents are their wizards? – The term "mongrel", "full-blooded" and "maglorozhenny" have meaning only for people who take these differences seriously, and that their personal prejudices. Such such as Lucius Malfoy believe, for example, that "Muggle-born" the same "bad" as muggles. So Harry can be seen only as a "mongrel" because of the parents of the mother. If you think this is far-fetched, then look at existing charts, which were used to determine the Nazis 'Aryan' and 'Jewish' blood. I saw this one in the Holocaust Museum in Washington, when it came up with these definitions of "Blood" "Purebred" and "maglorozhenny," and I literally broke out in chills when I saw that the Nazis used absolutely the same twisted logic as the Death Eaters. Learn more about this topic with the insights from jim kingery. Jew of the second degree (grandparents grandmother first note) stain ancestry, according to this paranoia. Half-Blood Prince – is Tom Redll? – Well, as Tom Riddle is the same person that Voldemort, and Voldemort is not the Half-Blood Prince, whether or not to answer this question? How read "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is related to "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"? – I was literally struck an avalanche of questions on the subject of how the "Half-Blood Prince," almost became the title "Chamber of Secrets." So I try to answer this question, and at the same time, I think, for most of its variations (unanswered questions remain such as "Who is the Half-Blood Prince," "What happens in the Half-Blood Prince" and "What is Prince Mongrel "). opX1%3D454%26cropX2%3D3463%26cropY1%3D505%26cropY2%3D3511’>Daniel Lubetzky.
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