Nourishing Product Outdoors

06.01.17 / News / Author:

The production of felt in propagandas of nourishing product: outdoors of Burger King and Subway in Itaja Adrile BAUMGARTNER University of the Valley of Itaja – UNIVALI SUMMARY: This research analyzes the responsible factors for the wakening of the consumption of products announced in outdoors. One is about a exploratria, descriptive and explicativa research, involving the visual analysis of 2 (two) outdoors of the international marks Burger King and Subway, of the segment of fast food, specialty in sandwiches. Contact information is here: Danny Meyer. The taken object as study was installed in the city of Itaja, enters the months of June and August of 2010, in two ways of great access and flow of people and vehicles. This study it is focado in the identification and classification of the involved visual directions in a propaganda printed (billboard) that they absorb the human directions, propositalmente planned in the creation of the announcement with sights it to awake consumption desires. With a deepening in these two visual parts, were evident that both the marks work with the yellow color (glad, stimulant impulsive), typically used in the branch of nourishing products. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: 1: Advertising 2: Billboard 3: Sandwich propaganda.

INTRODUCTION This work studies the propagandas in outdoors of sandwiches of the marks Burger King and Subway, propagated between the months of June and August of 2010 in the city of Itaja. Search to understand the factors that help to create the desire of consumption in the people, that is, inducing them it the purchase act. To find resulted excellent, an appreciation is become fullfilled, in parts, of the involved visual elements in the spreading of each one of these two nourishing companies of fast food. To assist in the analysis, books appraised in the area in the direction are used to understand the vast representation gifts in the visual propagandas. Everything starts in the detonation of propagandas in mass, with the objective to provoke alterations in the behavior of the population, or still in the reinforcement of some preferred mark of the consumer.

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