New York Times
23.10.19 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: society
Of this amount, $ 983 is spent on health insurance, $ 778 – for car insurance, $ 388 – for life insurance, $ 254 – on homeowners insurance. According to estimates Ministry of Agriculture SShADepartment of Agriculture, American parents have to spend between $ 171 thousand to $ 340 thousand to up to 17 years to raise a child. Every year the cost of children increases. Most Americans do not obtained stash. Poll broadcaster cbs and the New York Times revealed that the majority of Americans (26%) were not able to put a penny in the future. 19% can be postponed for the future of less than 5% of salary. 25% of the store "in her stocking" 5-10% of their income, 13% – 10-15% of revenues. Only of every ten Americans defer to the 'black day' for more than 15% of their income.
Taxes to pay all federal and local taxes, the average American who works 8 hours a day, must spend on tax deductions your income for 2 hours 46 minutes of work. Number of 'tax' time depends on the state: most of all have to work hard to satisfy the tax inspector, in the states of Connecticut and New York (3 hours 9 minutes per day). The least time consuming work on the budget of the State of – 2 hours 17 minutes a day. Over four decades, the share of income of U.S. residents, which is remitted to the treasury, has grown more than threefold. In 1937, the tax on each earned dollar was 7 cents.
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