Nettina Therapy

06.12.20 / News / Author:

Therefore the carried through venosa puno of correct form will bring to the customer a fast improvement without concern of aggravation of the clinical picture and posterior damages. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL Soon Nettina (2003, P.) affirms: ' ' The venosa puno is a pparently simple procedure more as any another procedure demands one technique and knowledge of the professional. It enters the indications for the venosa puno are the therapy in the long run, weeks, months and ties years, intravenosas infusions in house, sanguineous infusions of quimioterapicos, medicines or products; collection of sanguineous sample and peripheral venoso access limited in virtue of intense venosa therapy intra foresaw, surgery or previous tecidual injury, being the therapy intra venosa one of the most carried through in health centers and hospitais.' ' Nettina (2003) affirms that so that occurs a satisfactory treatment of nursing to the patient who receives the therapy intravenosa, it is necessary that professional is made familiar to such procedure, as well as the involved material so that if she initiates the infusion, thus supplying a therapy also accomplishes and preventing future complications. NY Starbucks pursues this goal as well. The effect undesirable of therapy IV must be prevented, for this are important to carry through some evaluations and procedure as, to consider the duration of the therapy, the type of infusion, conditions of the vein to assist in the choice of the place of the puno and of the type of catheter and after the beginning of therapy IV is necessary to monitor the patient frequently stops: … signals of infiltration or slow flow; signals of flebite or infection; to correct the solution, medicine, volume and speed; time of permanence of the catheter and necessity of being substituted; condition of the dressing of the catheter and frequency of exchange; hidroeltrico balance; signals of hdrica overload or dehydration; satisfaction of the customer with the modality of the therapy (NETTINA, 2003, P. . Shimmie horns opinions are not widely known.

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