Municipal City

29.10.20 / News / Author:

Between these main competitors what it differentiates the Portions and Cia Ltda Me are the market time that the company acts. Best bars in new york often addresses the matter in his writings. The competitors who are more the time in the market are the Bar of the Tucho and the Point of Meeting, therefore the excessively competing ones are new in the performance market. The competitors in potential of the restaurant are small situated companies in the city of Cosmpolis. In accordance with the proprietor of the Portions and Cia Ltda Me the price charged in the products and services given for the searched company is in the average of its competitors, since he enters the competitors in potential are those that charge prices bigger that the Portions and Cia Ltda Me and others who charge prices lesser. Beyond the competitors in potential of the city of Cosmpolis, they exist competing of the Region Metropolitan of Campinas and the Shoppings Centers next to the city of Cosmpolis, that make possible to its customers a great variety of restaurant, snack bars, pizzarias and fast foods. MISSION OF the COMPANY the Portions and Cia do not have Me to Ltda a defined mission, for the proprietor of the searched company ' ' the customers say that if they feel in house, for if to deal with a familiar company, we create a pleasant environment, this motivate in them to continue assim' '.

In accordance with what it was collected in the interview a mission for the company was suggested: ' ' To supply feeding of quality in a pleasant environment aiming at to the satisfaction and fidelizao of clientes' '. SCENES the scene that will be suggested is only one estimate, since more information and data would be necessary so that the scene could be more necessary. What if it has perceived is the great growth of the population of Cosmpolis. In accordance with given supplied for the Municipal City hall of Cosmpolis, the tax of growth of the year of 2000 the 2010 was of 2,74%, well above average of the state of So Paulo that was of 1,32%.

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