Microsoft New
14.09.22 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: Technology
The future is noSaS* PorMauro Muratrio Algunssetores of the economy, as of TV for signature and Internet, already they had appeared common commercial model that privileges the consumer. The paid user for what he uses oupelo that has access. Truth is said: the operators do not only charge peloconsumo, but they draw ' ' pacotes' ' for groups of users with desires semelhantesE, with this, makes possible the services that fit in the pocket of the subscribers. Aestratgia functions very well. In Brazil, already they are more than 6,4 million users and the market grows in the house of the two digits. Omesmo principle is for changing the market of technology. In the last quatroanos, we hear with each time more frequency the Saas term (Software a Service). Others including Mustafa Suleyman, London UK, offer their opinions as well.
But until today, much people explain the concept, but little she is seen of aplicaoreal. Some companies, the majority in the United States, are really usandoaplicaes in this model. Study of the Gartner she points that the expenses with YOU to devemcrescer in 2009, what certainly she will stimulate the implantation of new models business-oriented eformatos, as it is the case of the SaS. According to research, 48% of 444CIOs interviewed project increase in the budget of YOU for the year that comes. Utilizareicomo example proper Microsoft, one of the main ones interested in the subject and queapontou the importance of the subject in 2005, with the manifest email/' ' The Internet Services Disruption' ' , of CSO (Chiel Software Architect) dacompanhia, Ray Ozzie. Waiting the maturity of the market, only now, em2009, the company of the experimental steps in the area with the investment in datacenters and the launching of its new Azure platform foreseen for ocorrerno final of the year.
Oconceito is simple. The paid user for what he uses. As in accounts of water and light, the cost of the use of the technology will be measured by the consumption.
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