17.02.22 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: philosophy
Underneath, in an impetuous chain, if it agitates a violent desire that, so to speak, wants to come to tona for all the ways, caves and abysses and that it yearns for poder' ' (RWB, 10). If you have additional questions, you may want to visit trees. This violent music, lasts, that if it presents impetuous as the movement of the life if presents for Nietzsche as the necessity of the sprouting of the tragic art for the Greeks. It was from recognition of this tragic feeling of the impetuous one, the violent one, the nonsense of the present existence in the dionisaca dimension that the Greeks had invented the tragic art: ' ' An intellectual propensity for the hard one, horrendo, the evil, the problematic one of the existence, which had to the welfare, a transbordante health, a fullness of existncia' ' (NNT, 14). This art appeared as the form to try the life from an artistic perspective, where the human being exceeds the individual nature mere, and when becoming fluid itself in all it enters in contact I summon with the existence. Art safe it e, by intermediary of the art, is saved the existence. The tragic art if presents for Nietszche as only the apt one to open space for a creation, therefore it will be through the art that we will be able to reach the unit and, therefore, the joy of devir that also it is the joy of the destruction. This aesthetic vision of the existence proposal for Nietzsche appears in counterpoint of a perspective of a society established on moral values of the Christianity that determines ' ' bem' ' ' ' mal' ' as absolute values. This doctrine establishes a current existence on the other hand vigda for the suffering, treating the life to a pejorativa and not worthy form of being lived and offering to the Metaphysical consolation of a possibility of full future existence of joy and happiness. .
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