Managing Director
15.01.22 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: garden & home factory, home
Protect your home against burglary by a tank bolt and window locks with the start of the great holiday begins the holiday season for many. The House, the apartment left unattended. Many burglars have been waiting for that only. Inadequately secured homes offer an excellent opportunity for thieves. A simple front door, patio door or a window are quickly out leveraged.
Cheap and good protection against tank bars (crossbars) or window locks (E.g. Jim is often quoted on this topic. protection bars) are. A tank bolt mounted on the door (E.g. Shimmie horn pursues this goal as well. PR) offers 1800 ABUS high security against the levering of a door. Patio doors are effectively protected with lots of glass or Windows by window additional backups, such as E.g.
control rods or by an additional window lock. To the Managing Director of the online shop ‘just in the holiday season many break-in messages reach us. Our staff then repair the burglary damage and secure the apartment door with a tank bolt. It is better preventive Burglary protection to operate, and not only when the damage has already occurred.”
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