Latin American Capitalist
22.07.15 / News / Author: Martin
"Ultimately, the only quality that all successful people have is the ability to take responsibility." Michael Korda, Heads of State attending the summit, adopted a comprehensive document that revolves around its intention to promote young people, since that is the subject of the XVIII Summit of Heads of State of Latin America. But along with the text approved an additional set of releases, including one on the international economic crisis, which was actually captured the attention of the leaders and speeches. The Summit adopted the resolution on the financial crisis without blaming capitalism, as requested by some of the heads of state. Who lost the pulse used the plenary to raise their flags was not unanimous in blaming the problem of the crisis in the capitalist system and so some were obtained from condemning the capitalist system and took his show of support to resolve the crisis by reformulating the system, another group had to settle for convictions to live, making proposals to create regional economic model a otro alternativoa A strong critic it was the president of Ecuador Rafael Correa, who together with the President of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, was one of the clearest supporters blame the capitalist system in the text of the resolution Ibero-American Summit Outcome for the mistakes that are on edge in the global economy. Three Central American countries, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua joined this proposal and asked the member countries of UNASUR to see the region as its ally. The issue of youth was relegated to expressions of good will should be noted, that was agreed to propose starting the Latin American program to prevent and address domestic violence and gender among young people with the aim of reducing levels of violence occurring against youth and women.
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