Editorial Diana
23.11.18 / News / Author: Martin
People can act from its state of yo father or his State of self child or State of the self Adult. And on every occasion our actions stem from one of these three States of the self. The child: Act as the child who once were. Ego States are fully experienced States of being. The child has all the feelings; fear, love, anger, joy, sadness, shame, etc. The child is often blamed as the source of people problems because it is focused on himself, it is emotional, powerful and resists the suppression that comes with grow. The father: The person in this State thinks, feels and driving as one of their parents or someone who took his place, decides without reasoning, reacts to situations, what is good and bad, and as people should live. The father judges for or against and can be controller or give support.
When the father is critic called father critic. When it supports called nutritive father. Adult: When the person is in the State of the adult ego uses logical thinking to solve problems, functions as a human computer. Opera in the data that collects and saves, or uses to make decisions according to a logic-based program. Adult computes all data that feed him. If the data are up to date, then the adult responses will be conducive and more effective than the parent solutions. If the data are incorrect the adult computer will produce wrong answers. A very important function of the adult is predicting results and provide a criticism based on facts of the effectiveness of the conduct of individuals in the pursuit of goals that have chosen.
This critical function based on facts is different from the function values of the critical father-based. Sometimes the adult uses information that has its origin in the child or the father and may be incorrect. Pollution is this called. When a pollution comes from the father is called prejudice. The same acceptance of not collated information may occur with information that provides the child in which case it is called self-deception. A self-delusion that generally adult accepts as reality. Stewart, i. and Joines, V. (2007). EN HOY. A new introduction to transactional analysis. Madrid. Editorial CCS. Manual of transactional analysis. Dr. Roberto Kertesk/Eng. Guillermo Induni Editorial conantal (according to the official programmes of ALAT (Asociciacion Latin American transactional analysis) Berne, e. (1964).) Games people play: The psychology of human relationship. New York: Grove Press. (Games in which we participate: psychology of human relations.) Mexico: Editorial Diana, 1974). The ten commandments of the integrated transactional analysis.
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