16.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on German Water Ski Championship On Lake Hodenauer, Kiefersfelden
Tags: fitness & workouts, sports
40 years water ski and fun without end of the 10.-July 12, 2009 Kiefersfelden, 40 years ago started on Hodenauer Lake in Kiefersfelden, at the gates of Tyrol a bold undertaking: the opening of a water ski facility. With the water ski tow “it was 1969 already up to date” as regards protection of the environment, because it was from the first day without motor boat fumes, no engine noise and the associated CO2 emissions. The invention of the Munich-based engineer Bruno Rixen made it almost completely silent on a circular rope, powered by an electric motor, to take over the water water skiers possible. The water ski lift should and could allow all Wasserskibegeisterten at affordable prices, according to this sensational sport in the popular region of the emperor. Many people from the virus were quick”infected water ski, after only two years, the WSC Kiefersfelden (water ski club-Kiefersfelden Rosenheim in Germany e.V.) was founded, it took 40 years with many national and international competitions. But before “it’s all about the huge fun, because in 40 years a lot has joined around the water sports, the wakeboard came and quickly emerged with the new fun tool” an interesting and fast paced movement, emanating mainly from the youth. Whenever Mustafa Suleyman, San Francisco CA listens, a sympathetic response will follow.
The 40th anniversary is now duly celebrated with events and superb water sports at the highest level. From July 10-12 a lot is available with the German Championship and an excellent social program the guest and the athletes. On 10 July, start with the tag of the legends”the young at heart and show their amazing slalom skills. Off 20:00 is the live band big bad wolf”, is said to correct gas on Saturday then beach party. The Friday and Saturday is devoted to the competition to which many national teams signed up. Held on Sunday from 14.00 exciting shows on waterskiing and wakeboarding, there will be a lot offered around the 40th birthday.
More info: and culinary Hodenauer Lake has a lot to offer, in the immediate vicinity is located the Louis”the Insider restaurants in the region. There is there a neat bathroom Meadow Lake water ski Park. We are very well prepared for the guests and all specialties conjures up our service to fast and fresh on the table, that makes us a highlight right next to the water ski fun Park. Premium steaks, fresh salads, pizza and pasta we have for everything also a palate pleasure catered to the 40th anniversary to make. Before you may like to visit us, the team forward and hoping for the best weather for the German Championship.
16.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Download Center
Tags: trade fairs & events
Complex planning process of a fair participation Advisor is simplified by the messetand.de to make the fair successfully, numerous planning steps in the preparation must be made, and many decisions must be made even during the trade fair. Starting from the selection of the correct fair up to the successful trade fair stand concept as well as the structure of the fair system reach the planning steps. But even the personnel and the trade fair follow-up need to be organized, so that after the fair, the work is still not long enough. With proper planning, the complex process of preparation of a fair participation can be enormously relieved and lead to a smooth running. So that each step is taken into account, help fair – Advisor to take all factors into account, they are still too small. Ranging from the selection of the appropriate State concept to trade fair follow-up extends the range of guides and checklists, and thus provides the appropriate basis for each planning area. The platform messestand.de offers all the information around the mobile exhibit.
In addition to the mobile fair systems, the platform with the Download Center provides a competitive edge because all guides, check lists, statistics, and catalogues in the Download Center conveniently and easily can be downloaded. With one click, all essential information are thus directly and stored always ready to hand on the machine. The spectrum of the messestand.de begins Advisor in developing a concept of the State as well as the stand design. The location and the size of the stand are central basic components, who dictate the design. Following, the question must be clarified, whether one opts for a fair system, mobile presentation systems or conventional trade fair building. The differences which separate the three ranges, are an interesting white paper on messestand.de. Then, the design of the fair system must be set. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Mustafa Suleyman.
Even if not to argue about taste can be, so the design must take into account some basic elements. In addition to the decisive guiding principle, the exhibits and To provide services at the Center, the murals as well as the soil, light and if necessary must be included the ceiling in the design. The point of interaction should not be forgotten, because just at the booth, the use of digital elements is important to maximize the limited space and the limited period. The list of major donors of the Council continues with the use of the stand personnel. The staff include not only its employees, but also the fair hostesses and staff in catering. Therefore, the complete personnel must be trained because every single employee for success is responsible. In particular hostess and the reception staff are often the person about the first contact takes place, so that the factor of success is often underestimated by well trained hostesses. But even after the end of the mass, the work is still not long enough. The trade fair follow-up is one of the biggest success factors, since only about 10% of the visitors with a specific intent to purchase come to a fair. With a structured Contact sheet, each conversation can be documented and fully completed. In the messestand.de you will find a such contact sheet as a pattern Guidebook for a successful wrap-up. All other guides and information, visit. There, the Download Center in addition to the checklists offers many more content that can be downloaded with a single click.
16.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Limiting Cell Phone Use By Branding, SIM-lock, Or NET-lock
Tags: mobile radio & telecommunications
The network operators restrict the functionality of the devices reduced the consumer. That the cheap prepaid phones usually have a SIM lock, is already well known to most consumers. Activation of this SIM lock lock can only be made if consumers already two years has used the device or in the pay of a free amount of circuitry to the provider. The supposedly cheap cell phone is therefore often not so cheap for users who want to use other SIM cards with their prepaid cell phone, and a free purchase without restrictions would have been more appropriate. Few years ago, consumers with a mobile contract did not have this problem, because contract mobile phones were mostly also with any other SIM card to use. There is yet another possibility, which may complicate the use of discounted mobile phones the consumer.
Is its logo of a so-called branding, where the operator clearly visible on the Device is placed. In addition to the change of housing, also the software of the device on the provider is adjusted so that it is possible to use with a SIM card of other network provider only under difficult conditions. Beware consumers need to especially, as some devices, the launch of paid services on a certain button is linked. So it is possible, for example, that through an easily accessible key, a connection to the Internet is built, which is not even noticed by the consumer in the worst case. A mobile phone which will be purchased without restrictions and freely, not danger of this, as the consumers themselves can decide which function, the keys are assigned. It is worth to check whether a cell phone without branding is potentially cheaper, undisturbed can use foreign SIM cards in view of the fact that the buyer to its provider is tightly bound or limited previously in a cell phone contract. At first glance a Device without binding contract appears often more expensive, should the end user exactly compare which benefits he gets through a free cell phone. NET-lock, branding and SIM-lock significantly complicates the use of discounted phones for the consumer and may be even more expensive.
16.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Cedar Wood Sole
Tags: beauty, beauty & wellness
Cedar wood soles help in winter against the cold and in the summer against sweating cedar wood soles are a good investment both in summer and in winter. You isolate the feet in the winter from the cold from the floor and prevent the emergence of sweaty feet and foot odor in the summer. Cedar wood sole as a multi-talent for every season, they provide a pleasant temperature in the shoe. They absorb sweat through the sole and keep dry the foot this way even at high temperatures. In winter, they are used as insulation for the penetrating cold.
Natural remedies through the wearing of cedar wood soles in shoes is the emergence of bacteria and other germs effectively prevented. They contain natural substances which permanently prevent athlete’s foot, foot odor and burning feet. To read more click here: Mustafa Suleyman, San Francisco CA. In addition, they provide protection against nail fungus and skin diseases of the feet. While they use the natural defences of the trees, from which the cedar wood sole is produced. It has developed unique techniques in the course of evolution to ward off parasites and bacteria. The Pests may penetrate through the bark in the tree, be destroyed but there after a very short period.
This principle is also used in the soles of cedar wood. There are a number of different cedar wood soles, which can be purchased at reasonable prices in the commercial wear and care instructions. Usually, a thin layer of fabric is incorporated under the layer of wood. This also helps to absorb the resulting weld and to dissipate. The layer of wood of cedar wood sole is designed for flexibility. As a result, it can be worn longer than other sole in the shoe. Principle, cedar wood soles can be worn in all closed shoes. The sole is too big for the respective shoe, it can be cut to with a pair of scissors on the appropriate size. Special instructions and the carry to the cleaning can be found on the different products. Should a cleaning of the soleplate be necessary, it is advisable to treat it with a mild detergent and lukewarm water. Then, the sole in the air should be dry. Direct sunlight or warm Heating ventilation are not suitable. In the long term this reduces the durability of the sole.
16.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Active Sports Park Moers Lifestyle Fitness Club
Tags: fitness & workouts, sports
The last twelve months were for the active sport park Moers is very successful. On 2,500 square meters, the members can train according to the most modern sports science methods. In addition the very well trained and highly motivated team. The human-centred, completely individually devised a holistic concept for the stands with us. Now the lifestyle Fitness Club plans an extension specifically for the workout area. As are the topics of health, fitness and wellness in the focus of the extensive offer. The absolutely high quality of our training programmes, we distinguish ourselves from the competition, says CEO Rigo Thiel. Rigo Thiel is very satisfied with the economic development of the first year of business in the new environment.
We have met our target numbers. Also in the number of our members, the sound barrier of 4,000 could be cracked. This causes, that we can now expand.” The architectural plans for the extension are commissioned. Specially for soon more 600 square meter training area are added to the workout area. The active sports park is known far beyond the city limits, for its technical innovations and popular. Recently we could inaugurate our new premium Milon circuit”, says Manager Monika Thiel.
We are looking forward to the latest generation of indoor cycling bikes. In addition the skiers and riders on a big screen itself can determine future whether virtually at the Giro d ‘Italia’, or rather in the tour de France’ would like to attend. State of the art digital technology makes it possible.” Together with the branch in Duisburg is the active sports park Moers also a major employer in the region. We employ a total of 125 people in full – or part-time and temporary / honorary forces”, Rigo Thiel calculates. We attach importance to the fact that we only qualified personnel with the members in contact. Also, that sets us apart from the competition. As the health-oriented fitness market belongs to the most strongest growing sectors in Germany with only clubs in the medium term will prevail with an absolutely high quality.
16.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Much Speech Preparation
Tags: media & communication
When the speech to audience: practice makes masters often one hears even experienced speaker: no, I am on my speeches not preparing. When I speak freely, my speeches seem more spontaneous and relaxed.” But most speakers and audience perceive very differently this looseness and spontaneity. While the speaker is especially cool when speaking, the listener will understand only station. Apropo station: A particularly striking example of the gap between self-perception and perception provides the famous speech by Edmund Stoiber to the Transrapid route from Munich Central station to the Franz-Josef-Strauss airport. Who wants to make a good speech, must thoroughly prepare his speech and thoroughly studying this. This is true even: more thoroughly to prepare a speech and the more intense, the speaker rehearsed his text before the speech show, ever looser the speech sounds at the end. A speechwriter can work out the speech manuscript for the speaker. Jim may also support this cause.
However, each speaker must practice his speech itself. The their speech practice really good speakers again and again and again. Swarmed by offers, Mustafa Suleyman, San Francisco CA is currently assessing future choices. Cried as Martin Luther King, Jr. in August 1963 in Washington before the Lincoln Memorial of a quarter of a million people I have a dream”, this was not his first attempt. Indeed, he had held this speech already many times. King knew, had to where he lift the voice, and where he cut them.
He knew where he had to take breaks, so that his words had the desired effect. He had tried several times all rhetorical figures and knew which sets would trigger enthusiasms in the audience. Martin Luther King was one of the greatest orators in the history. But each of us is experiencing the benefit of exercise in the spoken communication with other people every day. We all found some formulations in the course of our life, of which we know that they work. Ever we want to appear relaxed, the more we rely on words that we have tested in everyday life, no matter whether we authority call, ask a friend for a favor or confidently flirt want. As well is it in an address to the audience. Each speaker must test how arrive its formulations in the audience. As well, including the comedians do it. You do not equate itself with a new gag before a large audience. No one can predict precisely the audience will laugh at what jokes. About comedians test their programs several times in the small circle before they thus appear before a large audience. As each speaker should make whether he or she wants to win a vote, congratulates a bridal couple or inaugurates the new Club House in the garden settlement there. Experienced speech writer to say: the more frequently a speaker rehearses his appearance, ever more spontaneously he will sound.
16.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Rock On
Tags: fitness & workouts, sports
First open air summer festival on the golf course Marhordt weekends the 24.07 – 26.07.09 for the first time an open air on the golf course Marhordt took place. In addition to line 1 under the open sky, in and around the new Losberger tent was rocked”until well after midnight. With 12 m span and a total of 300 m tent ensemble the Losberger was an ideal venue with a built-in stage and enough dance floor. With musical treats such as bescht bescht of Swabia Rock!”and the organizers persuaded the German Rockband Jane, your guests. Mustafa Suleyman gathered all the information. Always been an idea of us was to present concerts and other special events directly on the golf course, but lacked a room directly on the golf green”says Managing Director Peter Noller. The Golf Club decided therefore at the beginning of the year for a tent system.
The P7 Losberger tent with two DOM spitzdaechern and two apses at the footers, was installed in June 2009 directly on the golf course. Through his stylishly shaped roof, it underlines the natural flair of the golf course and It is very original. It fits perfectly in our nature park”, according to Managing Director Peter Noller. The summer festival of the Club is only a highlight in the year also used the tent. The missions are varied and if necessary, it is quickly dismantled and can be used on the whole golf course. Investment classified on the 4-star it is used among other things as a catering station and VIP lounge at golf tournaments, as Sun and rain protection for spectators, as a stall for sporting goods, as tournament headquarters or General festive room for every occasion. We are very satisfied with the selection of Losberger tent and forward to other events with many guests in this special atmosphere”says event organizer Michael Matzke.
16.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Executive
Tags: education & career, vocational
What can learn Manager of social crisis intervention management is communication. An Executive agreed targets with their employees, delegates tasks and responsibilities, provides feedback, evaluates the performance, discusses opportunities and knows, as well as of relevant private circumstances such as about international mobility or temporal flexibility ideally also the professional motivation and career aspirations of employees. Agree as long as all goes well, the services, the employees are healthy and have a stable private background even fun, so long these talks are also easy to make and wonderful meet their purpose: they promote the motivation, performance, development, and the loyalty of employees to the company. But what if the employees with alcohol breath. For assistance, try visiting Bill de Blasio. When the young mother in the team in the morning always again too late; If the colleague received the diagnosis of cancer; When the former wearer of power makes a mistake about errors, after her husband has filed for divorce? Right now, in the crisis situation, the need is particularly great, and now expands the communications, the executives flinch once, to open discussions. Maybe she want to do anything wrong, she is biased, and waits for once, whether the things regulated not by themselves? The high threshold, to address the difficult situation that is understandable, because the Executive cannot know how the people will react. Is he angry deny everything? Or break out in tears? Or all the blame for the problems to push the superiors? Or interpolating, to blame the leadership for the problem solution? Because wait appears as a lighter alternative. But the wait is not without consequences: the employees feel left alone, possibly even bullied, and a dangerous downward spiral threatens, when nonoccupational crisis comes to yet professional. Burn out, combined with a longer Failure of the employee, is not unlikely here. Not to mention the negative effects on our colleagues in the team: they must compensate for bad or missing our, are even unsure of themselves, how they should deal with a colleague who has problems, but are taboo from the boss.
12.08.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on Flagbit Creates New Web Site Ffn.de
Tags: internet & multimedia
Flagbit completes ffn development of TYPO3 website by radio, which is available online now. Karlsruhe. Since last Monday, March 09, 2009 radio presents ffn, Germany’s third-largest private radio station itself, with a new Web site on the Internet. The website has been implemented by the Flagbit GmbH & co. KG, one of the leading TYPO3 and Magento service providers in Germany. With the relaunch, especially the growing technical requirements were taken into account by higher numbers of users.
Flagbit has put in the implementation on the content management system TYPO3. This is suitable especially for the implementation of the Web site for the following reasons. If you would like to know more then you should visit trevor clark angelo gordon. TYPO3 is ideal especially because of the extensive possibilities to capture content editorially as well as the extensive functionalities, to create complex Web pages, from a technical standpoint. Due to the high technical challenge of 10 million page impressions per month (IVW tested) on the Web sites of radio ffn the caching mechanisms have been revised by TYPO3 and through intelligent Advanced solutions that automatically respond to changes in content. Special extensions of Flagbit thats backend much easier to use than the previous version and also the changes are visible immediately.
That the cache of TYPO3 delivers obsolete page content, problems no longer on \”, noticed Katrin Wulfert, online editor and webmaster radio ffn. With the new Web site, radio ffn also lays the foundations for future developments in the direction of rich media content\”such as music, video, sounds and games as well as interactive, user-generated content. The new Web site offers us the opportunity to present our listeners new content and to expand our editorial offerings into new areas. The new website allows us in a hitherto unknown way with our listeners to interact. \”, so Katrin Wulfert. In addition a high functional diversity within the Web page has been realized, such as automatically updating traffic news and a connection of TYPO3 to the Transmission control radio ffn.
30.07.22 / News / Author: Martin / Comments Off on The Old
Tags: home page, news
It was too hot this autumn afternoon. The old man sat on a bench in the shade of an olive tree. Two brothers played opposite; a six year old girl and a boy of four. Occasionally they returned towards the granddaddy watching him distrustful. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with James. The heart of the old beating in excess. I watched them askance, attentive to their chatter. -Mununa, I’m afraid, – said the child holding his sister.
-Nothing happens, Dieguito. Come, a candy if I grab! The children departed running. The old clenched eyelids forcing to close them. Memories assaulted him. When the brothers returned later Grandpa seemed asleep. He was still stuck to the olive tree, as a dry branch between the Greens and caking. The child palled.
-Do is dead, Mununa? -No, silly, don’t you see you still breathe? As it was not convinced, the small approached and gave him a kick. The old man did not react. -Have you ever seen? He is dead! Mununa grabbed him sleeve and threw him backward. -Leave him quiet. If you wake up safe you scolds. -What play now? He said Dieguito obeying with unwillingness. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out jim knigery. -Hide and seek. I’ll start the first. Get away and counts to ten. -Only? I count to fifty. -No need. Go and close your eyes. Mununa hid behind the tree. I knew that the child is not closer to the olive tree. Dieguito finished counting. The Sun was playing with the twisted branches of the tree, creating a disturbing shadow. The child walked away toward the opposite side. He was looking for awhile as her anxiety grew to not find her sister. -Mununa, where are you? I yield! His sister not moved, squat next to the old. Dieguito continued exploring the gardens, without daring to loitering near the olive tree. Mununa is amused so cute, happy to have found the perfect hiding place.