Ambient Citizenship In Moambique: Dream Or Reality
25.12.19 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: environment
Ambient citizenship in Moambique: Dream or Reality? 1 Lcio Dionsio Pitoca Ownership City of Maputo – Moambique To each day that passes grows the number of institutions interested in the preservation and conservation of the environment in Moambique, some that work exclusively in the agricultural communities and others that actuam in the urban communities and still others that actuam in both communities. Almost all in the development of its activities of preservation and conservation of the environment finish for developing activities of Ambient Education because, believe I, that consider that the ambient problem has its bases in the unfamiliarity of the practical ones that they are in danger the environment. To part, I agree that, really, the lack of information on the part of the population makes with that they develop activities that degrade the environment. But also the lack of alternatives, poverty, on the part of to the same places them population in the condition to practise activities that degrade the environment for its survival. However, in this text I will go it withhold me, in particular, in what it is my perception on the programs of Ambient Education developed by the institutions in the generality. The Ambient Education is main practical the responsible one for the construction of the Ambient Citizenship, that is, for formation of conscientious individuals of its responsibilities of preservation and ambient conservation in the context of the global, national and local crisis ambient. Of the research that I have made – comment, reading of periodical articles and magazines, reading of programs of Ambient Education, unhappyly almost nothing of scientific articles because little is written, colloquies with coordinators of programs of Ambient Education, has disturbed me very, for the fact of in the boardings considering that the moambicana population is one tabulates flat, that is, does not know nothing on the ambient problems. It is easy to notice this, therefore, it does not exist evidence of made studies of ambient perception before implementation of any program of Ambient Education.
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