Absorption Process
11.02.17 / News / Author: Martin
Figure 78 shows the outline of the absorption process in which the gas is in contact with a counter in light oil through an absorber tower. The contact in the tower can be through food or packaging. The gas should cool to the tower to report an improved removal of the components of interest. The oil used to make the removal of the tower comes from the top and is known as oil poor, out of the tower, the bottom has removed the components and is known as gas oil rich. The gas that comes out of the tower is basically absorber and is known as methane gas. The rich oil that comes from the absorber column becomes a stabilization in this case, frees the oil-rich methane and ethane that was unable to leave the absorber, in this case is not seeking ethane. Ethane when needed, the oil becomes a rich desmetanizadora and the fluid that comes out of this becomes a desetanizadora. Reflux in desentanizadora is to improve the separation of methane and ethane.
The liquid that comes from the other column desetanizadora stabilizing now known as a fraction, in which propane, butane and heavier components removed gas absorber are separated in the oil absorption and vapor emerging as the top of the column, and the liquid, which is basically the oil poor, leaves from the bottom and is recycled to the absorber to continue the process.
The gases leaving the portion condense and part of the condensate is used as reflux to improve the efficiency of the fraction and the rest for storage of anger, if you do not want to make separation of LPG and natural gasoline, fractionation or otherwise.
Both the desetanizadora as in the fraction is warming at the bottom to improve the process of stabilization or removal of methane and ethane and propane in the first and heaviest components in the second. The warming in the bottom of the fraction should be such that the temperature there is close to boiling oil poor, to ensure a complete removal of propane and components heavier than the oil and gas well removio the oil is pure poor to recirculate the absorber tower.
Figure 78 -. Gas processing diagram absorption.
This treatment plants for absorption, are not widely used because they are difficult to operate and monitor their effectiveness poor oil well is contaminated and loses its efficiency to remove the intermediate hydrocarbons from natural gas. Typical recoveries for this type of plant are C3 ’80
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