Finance Success
06.11.14 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: magic, philosophy, psychology, spirituality
Material success, as you may have guessed, is measured by physical (pressing) indicators. This can be attributed mainly to two important measurement unit: money and movable / immovable assets (eg, business, real estate, certain resources, etc.). In fact, this concept of success means a success in the financial sector. But this again did only the first side of the coin, as it is known to be one-sided does not happen, so we believe and hope, dear reader Us agree that financial success is only less than half of this, full of success. Man is by nature inclined to feel hungry, not only physical but also spiritual. We definitely need to communicate, recognize, respect and love.
And satiate our needs like money can not always. We Need Friends, comrades, who loves the second half, and without it I must say the money losing all but the meaning and value, is not it? But without money, especially when their hard deficit, whether we can fully enjoy the love, friendship, fame? Will exercise due care for our loved ones? Inevitable conclusion suggests itself: a true success – it is complete harmony material and spiritual components of his. According to this definition, must harmonize such things in our life as friendship, love, glory, respect, health, finance, appearing in four major areas of our lives: – Health – the spiritual world – a relationship – finance. Let's give a brief description of each area: health – the most important area for us, without it, all the rest – nothing. To live and function normally in society, we necessarily need to have excellent health and a good supply of energy. Spiritual world – we should be in harmony with itself, filled with a charge and the spiritual energy from within, through the positive emotional attitude and inner balance. Relations – must be distinguished success, manifested as a distinct, positive communication with your loved ones, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances and even strangers actors.
Finance – The last in the list area, but not the last of its significance and importance in our lives. Not being, in principle, the materialists, we still dare to assure you enjoy the harmony of the spheres in the first three can only be fully if you have a 'warm relationship "with the fourth sphere – financial. Thus, summarizing all the above, we note that if we have clearly decided to be successful, an absolute prerequisite is complete harmony our vital areas of complementarity. Directing all their energy on execution of this condition, developing and improving each of you personally certain spheres of life, making every day at least small step to improve their quality, you will certainly make a success of his faithful and inseparable companion.
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