19.08.22 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: education
These are the more frequent fears and fears at the different moments from the childhood: Of the 0 to the 6 months: Loss of support, noises Of the 7 to the 12 months: Strangers, height, sudden appearance of threatening objects To the year: Separation of the parents, injuries, toilet, strangers To the 2 years: Strong, animal noises, dark quarters, great separation of the parents, objects or machines, changes in the personal atmosphere. To the 3 years: Masks, the dark, animal, separation of the parents. Of the 4 to the 5 years: Noises nocturnes, the dark, corporal damage, bad people Of the 6 to the 8 years: Supernatural beings (sorceresses, ghosts), personal lightning and thunders, solitude, injuries. Of the 9 to the 12 years: Scholastic tests and examinations, scholastic yield, physical appearance, corporal injuries, death, the dark. The fears are very common between the 2 and the 4 years of age and many of them appear like fear to the animal, especially to the dogs.
Around the 6 years of age, it is common that the children fear to the dark, storms or the doctors. Many of these fears disappear as the boy grows and loses his sense of impotence. The reasons by which they feel so many fears in this period of his life, can be in the intense fantasy characterizes that it, and in the incapacity of the children to distinguish simulated of the reality. The children majors feel other fears. Between the 8 and 12 years of age, when they understand the relation cause-effect, it is probable that they fear plus the corporal injuries and the physical dangers, whereas between the 4 and 6 years they can feel fear of ugly the not known people or . The frightful images of a television program or the violent films can contribute to maintain the anxieties. Some times, the imagination of the children makes feel attacked by an animal or left, nevertheless, some of these fears come from the evaluation of real dangers (like being bitten by a dog) or real events (when a boy has been witness or been has involved in a traffic accident, is possible that it generates fear to the cars or to cross the street).
To this age the children are accumulated major knowledge and experience, and know that many things exist to as they must fear. It is not absolutely clear, because some fears disappear and others persist. Apparently the reactions of the adults play an important role in those situations. The parents must accept that the fears are normal, to give confidence to the children and to animate them so that they express his fears without ridiculing them or punishing them. He does not have to allow itself that the children avoid the object of their fears, because this conduct does not allow that the fear disappears. Some children can transform their fears into aggressions, nevertheless these can arise of another way in the first childhood.
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