Scientology Church International
25.08.19 / News / Author: Martin
Tags: people & biographies
The Online Edition and the new volumes of the biographical work provide ever since the Online Edition and the new volumes of the biographical work never provide unprecedented chronology of main events in L. Ron Hubbard’s life since unprecedented chronology of main events in L. Ron Hubbard’s life presented the Scientology Church International to the 101st birthday of L. Ron Hubbard the newly revised biography in 16 editions bound. The portrait of the founder of the religion can be seen simultaneously online in a comprehensive overview on the homepage. The online edition of the revised biography on the Internet was provided to the 101st birthday of L.
Ron Hubbard, on March 13, 2012. These give a biographical overview of the life and legacy of the religion’s founder, author and Explorer L. Ron Hubbard. At the same time, the comprehensive biography in 16 volumes as bound, biographisches lexicon was presented during the celebration of the birthday of L. Ron Hubbard.
The online edition of the biographical work so far offers a unprecedented, interactive chronology of main events in L. Ron Hubbard’s life. With hundreds of illustrated personal belongings, photographs and biographical details, the various aspects of the life of L. Ron Hubbard as an author, adventurer, Explorer, philosopher and founder of the Scientology religion are presented. The chronological details of L. Ron Hubbards of lifelong effort to answer the central questions of human existence, begin in the rugged American West. There, the six-year L. Ron Hubbard with a wandering shaman of Schwarzfussindianer befriended. This later honored him with the rare status of blood brotherhood. Online visitor details on the homepage all basic findings on Hubbard’s path of development of Dianetics and Scientology: sensational by the stir moment, as he proved the decisive factor in the early Dianetics, with the terminally patient at the Naval Hospital in Northern California’s life could be saved until the release of Dianetics, the “Guide to the human mind” and the quick rise of this book on the bestseller list of the New York Times. Also describes in detail the development of recognition methods, which demonstrate that the human soul in fact is an independent and separable from the body, intangible and conscious, what the origin of the religion Scientology paved the way. A portrait on the homepage will also be presenting L. Ron Hubbard’s achievements as a humanitarian: with a very successful way of learning, now applied by some 30 million students and educators around the world. a response to drug abuse, which achieved unprecedented success rates through an international network of rehabilitation centres; with a code of ethics for the 21st century, so far worldwide, adopted by over 100 million people and with a comprehensive management technology can be successfully implemented by organizations and individuals to implement so their goals or dreams. The Online biography continues to offer an introduction in L.
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