European Central

09.07.18 / News / Author:

/Monthly it will be necessary to pay of average 58 Euros more. The eurbor experienced in June his first annual fall. The forecasts of the eurbor of July already indicated at the beginning of week that the used indicator more for the calculation of mortgages would close around 2.162%, which would suppose increases significant of these. Finally, the final rate has surpassed by one tenth those data and it has been placed in 2.183%, which entails increases in the mortgages of 58 monthly Euros of average and almost 700 (698 Euros) to the year. The eurbor rounded up east month after finishing June with an average of 2.144%, which meant then his first annual fall.

In addition, after being placed east Friday in daily rate in 2.178%, the July average surpasses to which it was reached in the same month of 2010, when it was of 1.373%. The rate reached now about the eurbor is highest from January of 2009, when it was placed in 2.622%. During this month of July, that the eurbor began in 2.172%, the highest rate it registered the lowest 19 day 8 when it reached 2.201% and, in 2,169% the past. The average rate of July, that will have to be confirmed by the Bank of Spain in the next days, shows that a mortgage contracted for a year by an average amount of 150,000 Euros and a term of amortization of 25 years that is reviewed in August, to which the rate of the previous month is applied, will half have an additional cost of 58 monthly Euros, that is to say, almost 700 annual ones. And it is that once the present eurbor is applied, the quota of that average mortgage will ascend to the 649.23 Euros to the month, against the 591 of a year ago. In August of 2008, the eurbor reached the second high level but of its history, 5.323%, and brought about increases in the quotas of the mortgages near the 900 annual Euros. From then the eurbor it undertook a evolution to the loss located that it in March of 2010 in the level more under its ten years of history (1.215%), a ground del that has been moved away as the problems of liquidity in market was attenuated and, mainly, once the European Central bank (BCE) retook in 2011 its traditional monetary policy of containment of the inflation. Source of the news: The eurbor of July raises 2.183% and increases in price the mortgages an average of 700 Euros to the year

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