Online Community Helps

16.05.16 / News / Author:

Your Germany review pointoo supported the German children’s Fund under the motto”local search and review platform called pointoo their users, to share their insider tips to great places, facilities or service providers with the community. Thanks, the portal the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk now passes a euro for each of the nearly 4,000 new entries. “Munich, 08 November 2010: your Germany review within the framework of the” local search and review platform supported pointoo the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk with 4,000 euros along with their users. Your Germany review under the motto”called pointoo its users in October, to write new entries on their favorite places, restaurants or-cafes and to share their tips with the community. The users positively recorded the action and wrote 3888 new entries. So they can now also experience their Germany with the help of the new excursion tips and reviews and discover, three train tickets to the value of 200 euro gave away pointoo among all participants. In addition, German receives Children’s Fund for each entry that is created during the promotion period, one euro. pointoo rounded up the amount to a total of 4,000 euros.

The places that share the users on us, are places of rest and relaxation, but also places where it comes alive to and children dominate the landscape. Not all of them have the same, good life conditions in our country. Since we consider children as the future of Germany but, we have decided in the context of a cross-media action, to support the German children’s charity in its work”, so Markus Wolflick, CEO pointoo. The money is used by the German children’s Fund for projects to combat child poverty and to enforce their rights. We thank us and their users for their commitment to the online platform and are pleased with this support for helping disadvantaged children in our society contribute to can.

“, so Mrs. Dr. Bruckner, chairwoman of the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V. About us: A free offer is pointoo GmbH with monthly 2.4 million unique visitors the (AGOF 2010 II). On local search and assessment platform, Internet users can search for places of interest, attractions, shops and service providers from all over Germany, note: and describe. It combines pointoo up-to-the-minute industry book entries with entries and comments in his user and reviews specialized partners. The directory is growing everyday, because any user can add his own favorite places in the existing directory. can also users who collect existing items in own lists and manage. contact person for further information: Agency RoNNAU Salloa long Ronnau Wrangelstrasse 10 24937 Flensburg phone: 0461 430 77 00 E-mail:

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